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Academic Support Intervention

Dr. Joseph Trivisonno, Assistant Superintendent

Mrs. Lisa Cashin, Supervisor of Curriculum and Instruction


Academic Support Intervention (ASI) is designed to provide supplemental assistance to students who demonstrate difficulty in Math or Language Arts Literacy.  It is provided by a teacher trained in a variety of interventions who serves students directly and is a resource to the classroom teachers. 

The teachers working in these roles have been selected to participate in the program due to their ability to assist children in a variety of settings and their ability to provide interventions to address the root cause of a students’ difficulty.  They are knowledgeable of the general education curriculum as well as the associated New Jersey Student Learning Standards.  ASI teachers are knowledgeable about the general education curriculum, skillful at anticipating student difficulties with learning tasks, and adept at working with the general education teacher to provide ongoing differentiation, adaptation and modification of the general education curriculum, instruction and assessment.

In grades K – 5, the ASI teachers work collaboratively with the general education staff to design instruction relevant to the individual student.  They participate in both push-in settings whereby they work with small groups in the classroom as well as provide pull-out sessions for students requiring more intensive supports.  The district uses multiple measures to identify students who qualify for ASI services and use a variety of assessments, computerized, oral, written and observational, to determine progress and achievement.

In grades 6 – 12, academic support instruction is provided in ELA and/or Math for identified students in the classroom using a differentiated approach.  Placement into classes is data driven (i.e., assessment scores, classroom performance). The model used for delivering instruction is different depending upon the academic content area and needs of the learners in addition to the intervention used (i.e. online software, individualized instruction, structured tutorials, etc.)


Data is collected for students at the end of the previous school year, and the beginning of the current school year which is reviewed by the ASI staff, ASI Teacher Leader and Director of Curriculum, Instruction and Personnel.  Students who are identified as needing additional help in the subjects of Reading, Language, and/or Mathematics using multiple measures are recommended for Academic Support. These measures include but are not limited to the NJSLA/NJGPA, Running Records and other reading diagnostics, Grade-Level Sight Word Assessments, classroom performance, iReady Diagnostic scores, benchmark assessments in ELA, Math and Science as well as teacher and/or parent recommendation.

 The ASI staff will schedule initial meetings with the students to establish a baseline and parent notices will be sent home.  A permission letter is then sent home to the parent/guardian. The classroom teacher receives a list of students for placement into Academic Support. At this point, student needs will be identified, a schedule will be planned, and services will be provided. Based on each student’s needs, it is up to the Academic Support teacher’s, and classroom teachers’ discretion to determine how many times the student needs to attend ASI per week for each subject for which they are eligible.

 Throughout the school year, students may enter and exit the program. The ASI teacher will provide reasoning for either and will notify the classroom teacher, as well as the parents/guardians of the outcome. Parents/guardians may also provide a written request for their student to continue receiving services throughout the year.


The ASI permission letter is sent to the parent/guardian of any student who is recommended to receive services at the beginning of the school year or once a recommendation is made.  This letter shall serve as notification that the child will be receiving services.  It s requested that the letter be signed and returned as acknowledgement that the parent/ guardian is aware of the services that will be provided and a copy of the signed letter will be placed in their students' portfolio/ file.  

The parent/guardian can also decline the recommendation for services.  It is requested that this declination of services be in written form and a meeting should be held with the principal and ASI teacher to review reasoning and eligibility.


Once it has been recommended and approved that a student no longer needs ASI services, a letter of notification is sent home. This notice needs to come back signed by a parent/guardian approving of the dismissal from the program. A copy of this letter is placed in the student’s portfolio/file.

Related Links:

New Jersey Student Learning Standards- English Language Arts

New Jersey Student Learning Standards- Mathematics

PBISworld Interventions
