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South River Public Schools offers students who have not achieved a passing grade in a core academic class, the opportunity to gain credits through our online Credit Completion program.  The district has partnered with Educere, an online academic course provider, to provide instruction to students in a self paced, online format.  This opportunity is solely for students in need of making up credit due to failure.  

If you fall into this category and are interested in taking a course that you did not pass during the year, please fill out both the Contract and the Permission Form and bring that to the High School Counseling Office.  Dates for these forms to be collected will be shared with students near the end of the school year and will be updated once determined. Once the applications have been received you will be eligible to sign up for the applicable courses.  The cost for each course is paid by the student/family and is paid directly to Educere via a secure link. Each course costs $200 and payment must be made at the time of registration.  

Students wishing to take part in this program:

- Are limited to a MAXIMUM of 2 courses for the summer.
- Agree that the responsibility to pass the course is solely on them and that the High School Faculty and staff are not participants in the program.
Below you will find the student Contract and the Permission Form.  Both documents along with payment should be brought to the High School during the registration period.  Payment must be by credit card.