15 Montgomery St. | South River | NJ 08882
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English as a Second Language Department
Mrs. Gabriela Colon, Supervisor of ESL and World Languages
Dr. Joseph Trivisonno, Assistant Superintendent
The South River School District’s English as a Second Language Program (ESL) is designed to support learners whose native language is other than English. The intent of the program is to ensure that students receive a well-developed education that supports the integral components of language arts (e.g., listening, writing, grammar, spelling, composition) as well as the language of the content areas (e.g. mathematics, science and social studies)
During the enrollment process, families complete a Home Language Survey where they indicate the language spoken at home. Following this, the district conducts a review of student documentation as well as engage in discussions with families to determine which students must be tested to determine English language proficiency (ELP). Both the screening and evaluation process is conducted by a certified teacher who has been trained in the process. Once it is determined that an English Language Proficiency (ELP) test is necessary, the district administers the exam to assess the level of reading in English. Previous academic performance of students is reviewed as well, including performance on standardized tests in English (if applicable). If eligible, the parent/guardian is notified within 30 days.
Our ESL classes integrate a variety of materials such as media, technology, role-playing, and meaningful literature, as well as a range of teaching methods. Our curriculum guides meet the requirements of the WIDA (World-Class Instructional Design and Assessment) Learning Standards for Language Development, along with the NJDOE Career Ready Practice standards for 21st Century Life and Careers.
WIDA ACCESS for ELL's Testing
Click on the links below to learn more about the test.
Test Demo - Videos explain how students will take the online test and how to interact with the test platform.
Sample Items - Helps you and your child understand the ACCESS assessment. Click on the words "View Sample Items" below the box. A Chrome browser must be used to access and view sample items.
Test Practice - Allows students to experience taking the online assessment and use the available features that will be available during the actual assessment. Click on the words "View Sample Items" below the box. A Chrome browser must be used to access and view Test Practice Items.