Athletics Dept. Policies
ATHLETICS (ATHLETIC CONTRACTS): Participation in sports can be a very rewarding experience. In order to ensure the most positive athletic experience, it is vital that each member of the team be concerned not only for their own health and safety and well-being, but also for that of their teammates. In order to participate in athletics within the South River School District, the contract must be reviewed and signed by the athlete and parent/guardian before a student becomes a candidate for participation in any interscholastic sport of the South River Public Schools. Students must agree to abide by the rules noted below; violations of the rules may include suspension for a game, suspension for a week, and/or removal from the team.
- The student athlete will always conduct oneself within the rules of the game, the rules of the school, with utmost sportsmanlike conduct, and never knowingly place a teammate or opponent in a dangerous situation.
- If a teammate appears to be dazed, disoriented, or "out of it", he/she/they will report this to the athletic trainer or coach as soon as possible. Allowing a teammate to play with a possible concussion is extremely dangerous and may cause serious harm.
- If a teammate becomes injured on the field/court, he/she/they will not attempt to move, raise, or carry the teammate off the field/court as there may be injuries which must be examined first.
- The student athlete will notify the athletic trainer immediately of any illness, injury, or skin condition.
- The student athlete will ONLY miss practice or a scheduled event for a medical reason or a family crisis.
- The student athlete will be punctual at all times.
- The student athlete understands that he/she/they must pass the equivalent of 30 credits each marking period in order to be eligible. (This pertains only to ninth through twelfth grades.)
- The student athlete will not indulge in the use/possession or consumption of alcohol, tobacco or drugs at any time. Students who violate the drug/alcohol policy will be immediately ineligible to participate and disciplinary action may be taken. Consideration for reinstatement is at the discretion of the administration.
- In order to reflect favorably upon the school community, the student athlete will always compete, practice, exercise, and conduct oneself in a manner which will ensure safety as well as promote success and good sportsmanship.
- Students who are excessively tardy and/or absent from school may be excluded from participation in sports.
- Students who are assigned detention or other discipline must serve that discipline prior to attending practice or games.
ATHLETICS (ATTENDANCE STANDARD): A student athlete shall not participate in a performance, exhibition, practice, or athletic event unless he/she/they has been present in school that day or has been absent for an excused reason other than illness. Additionally, any student who has lost credit will be permitted to finish out his/her/their current sports season, but will be precluded from participation in any further sports programs. Furthermore, students absent on Friday will not be permitted to participate in any event on the following Saturday. Additionally, any student on an exclusion list may be precluded from participation in sports programs. Team coaches are responsible for checking on student participation.
ATHLETICS (SPORTS REGULATIONS): A student who represents South River High School in interscholastic athletic competition must abide by the regulations that are listed below. These are un addition to the specific NJSIAA regulations which cover eligibility.
- Practice good sportsmanship at all times.
- Respect uniforms and equipment; payment for any athletic equipment or uniforms that are damaged or lost will be required.
- Be on time for practice and games; the coach must be notified if there is an emergency or legitimate reason for lateness.
- Do not engage in the use/possession or consumption of drugs or alcoholic beverages at any time during the season.
- Honor and abide with the Athletic Contract signed by the student athlete and parent/guardian.
- Always be aware of specific/additional rules designed by the coach for the individual sport.
ATHLETICS (INTERSCHOLASTIC COMPETITIONS): The South River Board of Education considers all competitive extracurricular activities - academic, artistic, and athletic - an integral part of the total educational program. Competitive activities shall be under the same administration and control as the rest of the school program and closely articulated with it. Competitive activities can provide students with valuable experiences and opportunities and the emphasis in any competition, intramural or interscholastic, shall be on providing such experiences and opportunities rather than on producing winning teams or providing entertainment. Practice for a performance in any competitive event shall not interfere with the regular educational program.
ATHLETICS (DISCIPLINARY STANDARDS): Students on disciplinary probation or suspension may not practice, perform, or compete. The Superintendent of Schools and the building principal shall decide at the end of a probation or suspension whether the student may return to practice and competition. Additionally, any student on an exclusion list will be precluded from participation in sports programs. A student may not be eligible to participate in practice or a game(s) if they incur disciplinary consequences as a result of classroom/school misbehavior or repeated tardiness to school.
ATHLETICS (PHYSICAL ELIGIBILITY): All students in grades nine through twelve participating in intramural or interscholastic athletics must be given a medical examination within 365 days prior to the first practice session, with a health history update if the examination was completed more than 60 days prior to the first practice session of the first sport participated in. The medical examination shall be given by the designated family physician and the medical forms must be reported to the district medical officer or designated team doctor on a form furnished by the District. The medical examination shall not be at the expense of the Board of Education. The parents/guardians shall be sent written notification signed by the examining physician confirming the student's physical fitness to participate in athletics. If appropriate, the reason for the physician's disapproval of the student's participation shall be included in the notification. The health findings of the medical examination for participation in athletics shall be made oat of the general health examination record.
ATHLETICS (FORMS): Prior to participation on a school-sponsored athletic team, every student in grades six through twelve must complete the forms itemized below for EACH AND EVERY SPORT SEASON. Any athletic form with the following symbol (†) next to it must be completed electronically in the parent portal on Genesis (found under FORMS then ATHLETIC FORMS). The remainder of the forms are fillable PDF forms and may be filled out PRIOR to printing them. A hard copy with original signatures must be submitted. These forms are located on the district website under ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT then ATHLETIC FORMS or at the bottom of the ATHLETIC FORMS in the parent portal on Genesis.
- Pre-Participation Physical Evaluation History Form
- Pre-Participation Physical Evaluation for the Athlete With Special Needs: Supplemental History Form (if applicable)
- Pre-Participation Physical Evaluation Physical Examination Form
- Pre-Participation Physical Evaluation Clearance Form
- SRSD Athletic Participation Form †
- SRSD Athletic Contract †
- SRSD Acknowledgement of Receipt and Consent Sign-Off Form †
- SRHS Booster Club Membership Form (for high school athlete's parents ONLY)
Prior to signing the Acknowledgement of Receipt and Consent Sign-Off Form, you MUST read/view the following fact sheets and videos:
- Sports Related Concussion and Head Injury Fact Sheet (English | En Español)
- Sudden Cardiac Death in Young Athletes Fact Sheet (English | En Español)
- Opioid Use and Misuse Educational Fact Sheet (English | En Español) & Video
- NJSIAA Steroid Testing Policy
- NJSIAA Steroid Testing Protocols
- NJSIAA Banned Drug Classes List (current)
- Sports Related Eye Injuries Educational Fact Sheet
ATHLETICS (ACADEMIC ELIGIBILITY): Incoming freshmen are automatically eligible to participate in athletics in the first semester. This will be considered the first day of practice.
- To be eligible for athletic competition during the first semester (September 1 to January 31) of the 10th grade or higher, or the second year of attendance in secondary school or beyond, a student must have passed 25% of the credits (30) required by the State of New Jersey for graduation (120), during the immediately preceding academic year.
- To be eligible for athletic competition during the second semester (February 1 to June 30) of the ninth grade or higher, a student must have passed the equivalent of 12 1/2% of the credits (15) required by the State of New Jersey for graduation (120) at the close of the preceding semester (January 31). Full-year courses shall be equated as one-half of the total credits to be gained for the full-year to determine credits passed during the immediately preceding semester. It makes good sense for all athletes to register with guidance for more than the minimum 30 credits. A Special Education student will be eligible if the Child Study Team certifies the student is functioning in school commensurate with his/her/their ability.
ATHLETICS (INELIGIBILITY): A student who is determined to be guilty by a court, or who pleads guilty in court to charges, may be ineligible to participate in sports for up to one full year beginning the day the administration is notified of the determination or plea.
ELIGIBILITY RULES apply to all varsity, junior varsity, sophomore and freshman teams representing a high school (girls and boys).
STUDENTS: IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT YOU DO NOT PARTICIPATE ON A TEAM OUTSIDE OF YOUR SCHOOL under any circumstances until you have permission from the Director of Athletics.
- ELIGIBLE if a student has not reached the age of 19 prior to September 1.
- ELIGIBLE to represent eight consecutive high school semesters following a student's entrance into the ninth grade.
- ELIGIBLE if in full residence.
- ELIGIBLE if transfer because of change of residence by parents or because of hardship, as approved by the Executive Committee.
- ELIGIBLE if no influence used to retain or secure the student.
- NOT IMMEDIATELY ELIGIBLE if a student transfers from one high school to another without change of residence by parents.
- NOT ELIGIBLE if expelled from one high school and going to another.
- NOT ELIGIBLE after the completion of eight semesters following the student's entrance into the ninth grade, regardless of the fact that a sports season may not be completed.
- NOT ELIGIBLE after the class in which a student originally enrolled graduates.
ATHLETICS (PARENTAL/GUARDIAN CONSENT): No student may participate in a school-sponsored physical activity outside of the regular physical education curriculum without a signed consent form from a parent/guardian naming the activity and acknowledging that the activity may be hazardous.
ATHLETICS (SPECIAL EDUCATION STUDENTS): To participate in interscholastic competition, special education students must meet the same requirements as regular education students in conformity with IEPs.
ATHLETICS (SPORT OFFERINGS): Listed below are the sports offered at South River High School for the fall, winter, and spring respectively: (V = High School Varsity; JV = High School Junior Varsity; MS = Middle School)
- Boys' Cross Country (V)
- Boys' Soccer (V/JV/MS)
- Girls' Cross Country (V)
- Girls' Soccer (V/JV/MS)
- Football (V/JV/MS)
- Girls' Tennis (V)
- Cheerleading (V/JV)
- Girls' Volleyball (V/JV)
- Boys' Basketball (V/JV/MS)
- Boys' Bowling (V/JV)
- Boys' Ice Hockey (V)
- Girls' Basketball (V/JV/MS)
- Girls' Bowling (V/JV)
- Wrestling (V/JV/MS)
- Cheerleading (V/JV)
- Baseball (V/JV/MS)
- Boys' Tennis (V)
- Golf (Co-Ed) (V/JV/MS)
- Boys' Track (V/JV/MS)
- Softball (V/JV/MS)
- Girls' Track (V/JV/MS)
- Boys' Volleyball (Club/JV)
Weight & Strength Conditioning is not considered a sport but is open to all students during the Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer.